Ham Noodle Omelet

For the ham pasta omelet, cook the pasta in salted water until al dente. Cut ham into cubes. Beat eggs, season with salt, pepper and paprika powder. Set aside some chervil for garnish. Finely chop remaining chervil and cilantro. Cut chives into small rolls. Stir 3/4 of the herbs and ham into the eggs. Finely … Read more

Leek Vegetables

For the leek vegetables, cut the leek lengthwise and wash well. Cut into pieces about 2 cm wide. Heat the vegetable soup and steam the leeks in it. Crush the pimento seeds with a knife or pound them in a mortar and add to the leeks with the nutmeg. Add whipping cream and let it … Read more

Fried Rice Chin. Type – Diabetes

Briefly boil the long-grain rice in salted water and let it swell at low temperature with the lid closed for approx. 18-20 min. Peel and finely dice the shallots, divide the broccoli into roses and rinse. Rinse the bell bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut into strips. Mix the eggs with the salt and … Read more

Dough Curls – Buranelli

Sift flour into a suitable bowl, mix with yeast and sugar, make a hollow in the center, heat milk in a saucepan and add half of the butter. Pour it into the dough and knead it with an egg and salt until it becomes smooth and soft. If the dough is too wet, add a … Read more

Terrine of the Beef with Mushroom Salad

Spread a loaf pan with tin foil, put thinly sliced salmon ham – also on the sides. Mix the veal sausage meat well with the diced peppers and zucchini and the peppercorns, season with iodized salt. Fill half of this amount into the mold, place the rump steaks seasoned only with pepper on top lengthwise, … Read more

Linguine with Eggplant and Egg Sauce

For the linguine with eggplant-egg sauce, preheat the oven to 200 degrees convection. Remove the stem of the eggplant and braise the fruit in an ovenproof dish for about 40 minutes in the oven. Hard boil the eggs and peel them. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic and sauté in the olive oil … Read more

Deep Fried Shrimp Balls

Remove the shells from the crab tails, remove the intestines and grind half of the crab tails in a food processor. Chop the rest and mix with the shrimp mixture from the food processor. Place vermicelli in a suitable bowl, cover with hot water and soak for 1 minute. Drain water and cut vermicelli into … Read more

Kale Simple

+- -+ Make frozen kale as directed, rinse fresh in enough water. Strip leaves from stems. Bring water to a boil with salt in a large saucepan. Add kale. Steep 10 min until leaves have collapsed. Drain. Chop coarsely. Peel and finely dice onion. Heat lard in a saucepan, cook diced onion until translucent. Add … Read more

Russian Oranges

Thickly peel the oranges, removing the white skin completely. Cut oranges diagonally into narrow slices and arrange on a deep platter. Sprinkle with sugar (1) and drizzle with arrack (1). Marinate in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Beat egg yolks and sugar (2) until creamy. Whip the cream until stiff and fold into the … Read more

Red Lentil Soup with Tenderloin

bring clear soup to a boil. Rinse and dry the chicken breasts and add to the clear soup. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. Clean celery, peel and cut into fine cubes. Steam in a little boiling salted water for about 3 minutes and drain. Remove chicken breast from clear soup. Add lentils to … Read more