Roasted Goose Breast

Season the goose breast with salt, season with pepper and sear heartily on the skin side. Remove and pour off the excess fat. Later, roast the soup vegetables and onion until golden brown and extinguish with a little goose stock. Place the goose breast skin side up in a baking dish, spread the vegetables evenly … Read more

Rhubarb Casserole

Clean rhubarb, rinse, cut into pieces 4 cm long. Mix with banana pieces in an ovenproof dish with 75 g sugar and liqueur. Mix the fat and the remaining 75 g sugar until creamy. Stir in egg yolks, salt and soaked bread. Whip the egg whites until stiff, stir them in and fill the bread … Read more

Cake Au Citron- Lemon Cake

A cake recipe for all foodies: Mix the sugar and fat until thick and creamy. Add the beaten eggs, not too cold, and the lemon peel. Mix the remaining ingredients (except the frosting) and fold into the mixture and pour into the well-greased cake pan (quiche pan). Meanwhile, bake in the oven at 180 °C … Read more

Fig and Chicory Salad with Vanilla Dressing

1. prepare the chicory and radicchio (ready to cook, e.g. peel, remove woody parts and dirt) and scrape out the leaves. Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise, put the pod and the seeds in a pan with the sugar and the sherry, let it boil, remove it from the fire and let the jus simmer for … Read more

Venison Stew

For the venison stew, fry the finely diced bacon in olive oil. Sauté chopped onion, finely chopped celery and crushed garlic clove. Season the diced venison with juniper salt and pepper – add and sauté. Cut the orange into slices, put aside. Chop only the two end pieces very finely and sauté with the venison. … Read more

White Cabbage Roulades with Spicy

1 tsp. lemon zest, grated Breadcrumbs, to bind. Using a sharp kitchen knife, remove the stem from the head of white cabbage. Carefully separate the leaves from the head. Heat salted water in a saucepan and blanch the leaves in it for 8-10 min. Take out the white cabbage leaves, drain them well and lay … Read more

Fallow Deer Back

Bone the back. Make a stock from the waste (skins, bones) together with the wine, vegetables and spices. This takes a good 2 hours, but can easily be done 1-2 days before. Degrease and boil to 1/3 of the mass. Preheat the oven to 80-90 °C and heat an ovenproof dish in it. Rub the … Read more

Stewed Roast Venison

Season venison leg with salt and pepper, fry all around in hot oil in a casserole. Add the onions, sauté and add the tomato paste. Roast everything well until it gets a nice dark color. In between, add root vegetables and rose hips, always deglazing with a little red wine. As soon as a nice … Read more

Chanterelle Soup

Sauté shallot and garlic clove with a few thyme leaves in oil. Add the cleaned mushrooms and heat briefly. Extinguish with half of the vegetable soup, make a few min. Puree. Add the rest of the vegetable soup and cook for another ten minutes. Season with pepper, salt, nutmeg and a few drops of lemon. … Read more


A great cake recipe for any occasion: Grease a cake springform pan (26 cm ø) with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Preheat the oven to 180 °C (top and bottom heat). Mix flour and sugar in a wide bowl with a lid. Add the baking powder and vanilla sugar and shake again. Then add the … Read more