66% Rye Sourdough Bread

Rating: 3.1282 / 5.00 (39 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


Final dough:


Prepare the sourdough and ripen for 14-16 hours at 21 °C.

Put all the ingredients in the bowl of the food processor form. Knead for 3 min on speed 1 and 2 min on speed 2.

Some gluten development should be noticeable from the 34% wheat flour, but the dough strength will be rather weak. Desired heat for the dough just under 27 °C (Petra: knead the dough first on floured work surface, then shape into an oiled baking bowl and cover with cling film either at “yeast dough level” in the oven or place on a heat blanket (level 1-2)).

Working time: 30-45 min (Petra: 45).

Divide dough into two halves, shape round or oblong, respectively (I shaped oblong loaves, but the dough is so soft and inelastic that it can’t be shaped with a taut surface like wheat breads – so work it as little as possible. Let dough rise in proofing baskets for 750 g of dough).

Final rising 50-60 min. at just under 27 °C (Petra: proofing baskets set to heat level 2).

Bake with normal steam at 240 °C for 15 min, then reduce heat to 225 °C and bake for another 30-40 min.

The bread should rest for up to 24 hours before cutting to improve eating quality.

And nice dark crispy crust, which is probably a little rustic torn open by my attempts at shaping. Very good shelf life. Great. *In the original recipe here is an error: although in the overall recipe only “medium rye flour” is specified, the sourdough starter says “whole-r

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