Apple Anise Tartlet

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (20 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)


For the dough:

For the filling:

For the topping:


For the apple anise tartlets, grease the ramekins and then prepare the dough. For this, mix white and whole wheat flour and anise.

Stir the remaining ingredients and add to the flour. Mix, bring together into a dough and chill flat wrapped in foil for about 20 minutes.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2-3 mm and cut out 8-10 rounds of about 12 cm each. Place in the prepared ramekins and press the edges of the dough well smooth.

Prick the bottoms tightly with a fork and place the ramekins on a baking tray. Cover and refrigerate for about 20 minutes. For the filling, mix all the ingredients with the anise seeds and spread evenly on the pastry cases.

For the topping, peel the apples, cut in half, remove the cores and finely score the curved sides. Brush on the spot with juice of one lemon and place in the filling. Brush with light butter or butter and sprinkle with sugar and anise seeds.

Bake for about 20-30 minutes in the middle of the oven heated to 200 degrees. Serve the apple and anise tartlets lukewarm or cooled.

Preparation Tip:

Instead of apple puree, you can also use a small apple grated on a grater for the apple anise tartlets.

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