Apple Crumble Cake – Yeast Dough

Rating: 3.2308 / 5.00 (13 Votes)

Total time: 45 min





A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Knead a smooth dough from the ingredients and leave in about 1 hour. In the meantime, rinse the apples, quarter them, peel them and cut them into wedges. Marinate with the rum, sugar, juice of one lemon and cinnamon.

Roll out 2/3 of the dough on a greased baking sheet and let it rise for another 15-20 min.

Spread apple slices evenly on top and thinly roll out the remaining dough on top.

Rub all crumble ingredients together with your hands until crumbly and spread evenly over the cake.

The whole then bake at about 170 degrees in about 55 min.

Ps: Time and temp. Is estimated, since my cake is still baking in the stove. The original recipe says only “bake at moderate temperature”.

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