Arugula Mustard Soup with Salmon

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Rocket butter:

Rocket pesto:




For the rocket butter, heat the oil in a small, high saucepan or deep fryer to about 175 degrees. Clean the arugula, do not rinse! Fry out in oil in several, small batches, 20-30 seconds each, and place on paper towels to drain.

2. butter with a teaspoon of salt in a food processor form and mix in the fried arugula, rocket butter refrigerate (rocket butter can also be made in larger quantities, can be frozen and mixed into soups or sauce as needed).

For the rocket pesto, clean, rinse and spin dry the rocket, setting aside a few small leaves for garnish. Briefly sauté arugula in a tablespoon of olive oil, add sugar, stir and cool. Blend with remaining olive oil, mustard, peeled garlic clove and Parmesan cheese, season to taste.

For the garnish, finely dice half of the salmon slices. Put aside 8 stalks of chives, chop the rest and add to the salmon cubes with mustard. Season with pepper and wrap the salmon tartare in the 4 whole salmon slices, tying them crosswise with 2 chive stalks each.

Cut off shallots and sauté in butter. Deglaze with wine and add clear soup, bring to a boil. Add flour butter and simmer gently for 15 min. Add rocket butter and blend with a hand blender, season to taste.

Bring the soup to the table with the salmon parcels and the rocket leaves, offer the pesto separately with it.

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