Asparagus Mousse with Orange Sauce on Salad

Rating: 3.4 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Asparagus mousse:

Salad Nest:

Orange sauce:


A delicious recipe for the asparagus season:

Asparagus mousse:

Swell gelatin in 3- 3 tbsp water. Finely grind asparagus spears.

Stir through with the asparagus broth and bring to the boil once. Season with salt, pepper and a hint of chili. Stir through with the gelatine that has been swollen and briefly heated in the microwave. Transfer to a large enough bowl and refrigerate with lid on until set. Whip whipping cream until firm and fold into mixture. Season again to taste. Set in refrigerator for several hours.

Orange Sauce:

Peel two finger-thick and finger-long strips of zest from orange. Cut into fine strips. Squeeze the orange thoroughly. Heat 2 tbsp sugar in a small pan until it just begins to melt. Stir in the orange juice with the orange strips and the thyme leaves and reduce to a syrup-like consistency. The zest strips should become glazed. Stir in a dash of balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper, then stir in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Cut chili pepper in half, remove seeds and cut one half into very fine strips. Stir a few strips into the sauce, if desired. Cool – the sauce should be a tiny bit viscous.

For the lettuce:

Rinse and dry lettuce leaves and tear into bite-sized pieces. Rinse arugula, dry. Remove peel from beet and cut into narrow julienne. Finely chop shallot.

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