Aspic and Fried Trout with Beet, Walnuts and Vogerlsalad

Rating: 2.4286 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Ingredients For The Brawn:

Ingredients For The Beetroot:

Lamb's lettuce, vinaigrette, fried trout fillets:


Sulz Skin the smoked trout fillets (do not discard the skin!) and portion them. Cut the vegetables into tiny cubes. Coarsely dice the soup bunch and put it with the trout skin in vegetable soup and make a stock. Strain the stock and season with salt, pepper, a tiny bit of white wine vinegar and chopped chervil. Blanch the leek leaves in salted water and quench.

Line a baking dish with foil and the leek leaves dabbed dry. Soak the leaf gelatin in cold water. Measure out exactly 0.5 l of hot stock and let the squeezed gelatine melt in it. Cool the stock a little. Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of stock to the vegetable cubes.

Fill the casserole dish: First a layer of trout fillets, then a layer of vegetable cubes. Then add more layers until the casserole dish is filled. In between, pour a little bit of stock. When the casserole dish is filled, fold over the overhanging leek leaves and refrigerate the aspic for at least 6 hours.

Beet 1 small chopped shallot. Peel beet and cut into narrow strips. Dice shallot and sauté in butter until translucent.

Add the beet and sauté. Season with salt and pepper. Add honey and chopped walnuts. Extinguish with clear soup and simmer gently for a few minutes (beet should still have bite). Brown the remaining butter in a hot frying pan (to make nut butter).

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