Boston Baked Beans – Usa/Canada

Rating: 3.9231 / 5.00 (13 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



Soak beans for one night, the following day season with salt and cook on the plate for about 90 minutes, then strain. Spike the onions with cloves and put them in a properly sealed saucepan. Pour the beans over them, mix two thirds of the sugar, spices and syrup with tap water and pour over the beans. Put the meat into the pot and cover with beans.

Simmer the stew with closed lid in hot oven at about 175 degrees Celsius in 4-5 hrs. In the last half hour, remove the lid, sprinkle the remaining brown sugar and bake the dish. Add hot tap water as needed during the cooking time.

Serve the beans with Boston oat bread or, alternatively, sweet pumpernickel.

Info: The original version of the recipe insists on maple syrup. If you can’t get it, resort to sugar beet syrup – as suggested. Indispensable is and indeed the baking process, which lasts several hours.

Boston style baked beans are a dish from the pioneer days that both the Usa and Canada bed as a national dish. Lumberjacks on the Canadian frontier cooked it once a week, froze it, and chopped off a piece when needed, which was then reheated in an iron pot. Among the Puritans in New England, Boston Baked Beans were popular mainly because they were baked on the sacred Sabbath without work or supervision.

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