Caramel Cream

Rating: 4.0625 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 14.0 (servings)


For the caramel:


Heat milk with sugar, a little vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt and let cool. Mix yolks with whole eggs and stir into lukewarm milk, season with maraschino and rum. Strain and skim well on the surface. For the caramel, brown sugar, deglaze with water, but do not stir! Boil down to a slightly thick consistency. (Test: put some caramel on cold plate and hold at an angle, the caramel should be honey-like but still viscous when it drains). Spread caramel into oiled soufflé dishes or demitasse cups, then pour in egg milk to just below rim. Place ramekins in a water bath and let sit or poach in a hot oven at about 140 °C (about 75 °C water temperature), covered (with foil or baking sheet), for about 1 hour, until custard is firm. Cool well and loosen slightly from the edge with a wet finger before turning out! Using the cup, invert the cream onto a shallow dish or plate and press it out of the mold with a short, jerky, vigorous shake. To do this, hold the plate at a slight downward angle.

Preparation Tip:


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