Corn Poulard Breast Wrapped in Bacon on Orange Barley and Papaya-Parsley Salsa

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Soak rolled barley in cold water for several hours. Remove the skin from the corn poulard breasts and score a pocket. Open the meat, coat each with a teaspoon of mustard, season with salt and pepper, fill each with six tarragon leaves and close again.

Drain the rolled barley and cook in orange juice for about half an hour at low temperature until al dente. Stir repeatedly in between. Chop the parsley. Rinse the oranges in hot water, dab dry well and remove fine strips from the peel with a zester. Mix these into the fully cooked rolled barley, add butter, season with salt and chili and carefully fold in the parsley.

For the tomato-papaya salsa: halve the tomatoes, remove the core with most of the seeds and dice the flesh. Peel the papaya, remove the seeds, finely dice the flesh and mix with the tomatoes. Squeeze lime, pluck tarragon. Add both to tomatoes and papaya and season with sweet chili sauce, salt and freshly ground pepper. Lay five bacon slices next to each other in scales, place a corn poulard breast on top and roll it up with the bacon.

Repeat this process with the remaining corn poulard breasts.

Peel and halve the shallot. Heat some clarified butter in a frying pan. Sauté the corn poulard breasts in it all around, add rosemary, thyme and shallot hips.

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