Duck with Mangos

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


P R O J E C T I O N:


For garnish:

Nutritional information:


Remove the skin from the mangoes and cut the flesh from the core on both sides. Cut the flesh into strips.

Half of the mango pieces and the chicken soup in a hand mixer form and grind. Alternatively, press half of the mangoes through a fine sieve and mix with the clear soup.

Rub the duck meat with garlic and ginger. Heat the vegetable oil in a preheated wok and sear the duck breast, turning a few times to the other side until lightly browned. Remove the duck meat from the wok. The oil in the wok.

Place the duck pieces on a roasting rack over a roasting pan (fat pan) and roast in a heated oven for 20 mins at 220°C , gas mark 7, until cooked through.

In the meantime, put the mango stock mixture in a saucepan and add the wine vinegar and light soy sauce.

Bring this mixture to a boil and cook over high heat, stirring throughout, until reduced by half.

Heat the oil remaining in the wok and sauté the sliced leek and remaining mango for 1 minute.

Remove from the wok and transfer to a serving plate and keep warm.

Slice the roasted duck breast pieces and arrange them decoratively on top of the leek and mango mixture. Pour the sauce over the duck slices, garnish and bring to the table.

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