Duck with Tangerines or Oranges

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



This is how it’s done: rinse the duck, rub it well dry, season it inside and out with salt and also rub the inside with marjoram. Remove the skin from the apples, remove the core, cut into thin slices and mix with the washed raisins and sugar. Fill the duck with the apples, sew it up and tie the legs and wings to the trunk with a string. Place the duck backside down on the broiler rack of a water-rinsed roasting pan and place on the bottom rack in the oven. While roasting, poke the duck occasionally underneath the wings and legs to help render the fat. As soon as the drippings start to brown, pour a quart of the hot water into the roasting pan at the beginning. Baste the duck from time to time with the drippings, replacing evaporated water up to 1/2 liter. Just before the duck is cooked, heat a little of the butter in a frying pan and roast the almond kernels in it until golden. Remove the almond kernels from the frying pan, pour in the long-grain rice, add the remaining butter and let it get hot, turning it frequently. Remove the cooked duck from the broiler, loosen the strings, remove the stuffing and cut portion pieces. In the middle of a plate put the stuffing form, put the pieces of meat on top, layer the long grain rice all around and put a wreath of tangerine or orange slices around it. Sprinkle almonds on top and keep the dish warm. D

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