Ebly Mango Casserole with Sakesabayon

Rating: 2.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)

For The Ebly Mango Casserole:



For The Sabayon:


For the compote, caramelize the sugar, stir in the mango puree, bring to the boil, toss half of the mango cubes in it, cool.

Boil tender wheat with salt, butter, milk, orange and lemon peel, ginger and vanilla for 25 minutes until soft and cool.

Grease ramekins with butter, sprinkle with sugar. Beat egg yolks with 25 g sugar until creamy and fold into tender wheat.

Stir in remaining breadcrumbs, mango cubes, cinnamon and coconut flakes. Whip the egg whites with the remaining sugar to egg whites and mix gently.

Pour the mixture into ramekins and cook in a bain-marie at about 190 °C for 20-half hours. Take out, rest for 2 min, loosen the edge with a kitchen knife, turn out onto plates.

For the sabayon, whisk yolks and sugar until creamy, place on a hot water bath, add sake and whip until creamy. When serving, pour the sabayon over the casserole and offer the compote with it.

Tip: Always beat egg whites with sugar for folding, then it becomes creamier and does not fall together so quickly.

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