Fried Scallops with Pak Choi

Rating: 3.36 / 5.00 (100 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean the scallops and allow them to come to room temperature about 1 hour before cooking (cold scallops lose a lot of water during cooking and also do not get evenly hot). Place a pot of salted water and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, clean pak choi and cut the large pieces in half, cut smaller pak choi only 1-2 cm on the head side so it can cook faster. Once water is boiling, slowly submerge pak choi head side first into water and blanch for 1 minute. Lift out and rinse with cold water to preserve the green color. Then fold each piece in half, wrap with a larger leaf and drain. (This will make 8 pak choi packets.) Finely dice the shallots and mince the ginger and garlic. Also chop palm sugar and mix with soy sauce and rice wine. Heat a wok or frying pan strongly, add sesame and vegetable oil and fry the shallots briefly in it. Add the ginger and garlic and finally add the pak choi packets and fry briefly for 2 minutes. Season with the sweetened soy sauce. At the same time, in another pan, heat the peanut oil and fry the scallops in it for 2 minutes each on both sides. Caution: if the pan is too small, better fry in two tranches (or pans), because the pan must be really hot, otherwise too much water will be produced during frying! Pak choi packets and Jakobs

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