
Rating: 2.8333 / 5.00 (18 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 80.0 (servings)



For the gingerbread, heat the honey to 60°C. Beat the eggs, mix briefly with a mixer and stir into the honey. Add thea, gingerbread spice, staghorn salt and possibly the lemon/orange zest and mix.

Mix the flour with the powdered sugar and the baking powder and knead into the honey mixture to form a nice dough. The dough must be soft! Now let it rest for 3 hours. During this time it will rise a little and become a little firmer.

After resting, roll out the dough to about 4mm, cut out gingerbread shapes as desired and bake the gingerbread at 170°C top/bottom heat for about 8 minutes.

Preparation Tip:

Decorate the gingerbread with almond halves as desired.

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