Hearty Potato Salad

Rating: 3.3 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


For the salad dressing:


First boil the potatoes, let them cool a little.

Then peel and cut into slices. Peel the onion, chop finely. Chop the meat loaf and gherkin.

Loosely mix potato slices with onion, liver cheese and gherkin.

Wash wild garlic, spin dry and cut leaves in half or thirds depending on size.

Spread a salad bowl with the leaves, put the potato mixture in it, pour the dressing over it.

Let stand for 15 minutes, then mix with wild garlic.

Preparation Tip:

Outside the wild garlic season or generally as an alternative, you can also prepare this salad with arugula.

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