Herbal Paste

Rating: 3.6923 / 5.00 (13 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Generally, only young, unblemished parts of the plant are used. Sort out kitchen herbs already at the time of picking, if necessary, knock them out well, but do not rinse them.

Suitable are e.g. bear’s garlic basil mugwort plantain nettle dill fennel herb lady’s mantle daisy blossoms (and. Ev. Leaves) Gundelrebe Hirtentäschel Kapuzinerkresse Katzenminzenspitzen Knolau Lavenderspitzen Dandelion flowers and – leaves Maggikraut Oregano Parsley Peppermint Pimpinelle (small meadow-head) Rosmarinspitzen Sage Sauerampfer Schafgarbe Schnittlauch Selleriekraut (cut celery or possibly. (cut celery or possibly celeriac) Ribwort Deadnettle tips Thyme Wild strawberry leaves Lemon balm Weigh the kitchen herbs dry. Weigh 10% of them salt. Chop the culinary herbs with a little good oil to taste, e.g. rapeseed, olive, sunflower, lemon olive (very tasty e.g. from www. Artifacts. Net) in a food processor (small amounts with a blender). Stir through in a baking bowl with the salt and enough oil to make a paste of medium consistency.

Pour into tight-fitting jars, smooth out, top with a tiny bit of oil. Keeps in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Always remove paste with clean spoon. Now smooth again and cover with a tiny bit of oil if necessary.

Can be used in many ways:

– pure as a spread – soup seasoning

– in salad dressing

– with steamed vegetables (do not simmer!) – with potatoes

– with J

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