Indian Chicken Cauliflower Curry

Rating: 3.4651 / 5.00 (43 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



For the chicken cauliflower curry, cut the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces. Cut the cauliflower into florets and peel the potatoes and cut into cubes about 2 x 2 cm.

Wash and cut the bell bell pepper into strips, peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Fry the onion cubes in ghee until dark, add the garlic, potatoes and the curry mixture.

Stir well so that the spice mixture is well distributed. Deglaze with the white wine, add coconut milk and whipped cream. Now put in the meat pieces and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

Then add the cauliflower and continue to simmer, covered, for another 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt.

Preparation Tip:

Basmati rice goes well with the chicken-cauliflower curry. Depending on taste, add salted yogurt and sprinkle with fresh coriander greens.

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