Kale Simple

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



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Make frozen kale as directed, rinse fresh in enough water. Strip leaves from stems. Bring water to a boil with salt in a large saucepan. Add kale. Steep 10 min until leaves have collapsed. Drain. Chop coarsely.

Peel and finely dice onion. Heat lard in a saucepan, cook diced onion until translucent. Add kale. Pour in hot beef broth. Add salt, pepper and sugar, stir and cook in 60 min. Season to taste and bring to the table.

Preparation: half an hour Preparation: 70 min Calories/person: 265/1109 joules

Serve with duck or possibly roast pork, goose, turkey or possibly goose giblets with potato dumplings.

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