Leaf Salad of Cuttlefish – *

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)




(*) Insalata di seppie con ceci.

Cook the chickpeas with the clear vegetable soup on low heat for about forty minutes until soft (while cooking, always check again, the time can vary quite a bit), then add the finely chopped greens and continue simmering on low heat for ten minutes. Strain, put in baking dish, let cool slightly and dress with olive oil, pepper and salt.

Water the cuttlefish, cut open the spherical body completely and scrape out any residue with a kitchen knife under running tap water. Discard the head, invert the chewing tentacles and remove. Place body and tentacles in salted water and boil until tender in as little as one hour (*).

Cut the cuttlefish into small strips and dress with the remaining ingredients as a leaf salad. Leave to stand for a while.

Serve the chickpea salad on a large platter. Place the cuttlefish in the center of the dish. Halved boiled eggs are often draped around the edge.

(*) The thing with the cooking time of cuttlefish&Co… According to the internet recipe about thirty min, according to Vincent Klink in the TV show almost one hour…

Our tip: Use high quality olive oil for a particularly fine taste!

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