Leek and Bacon Cake

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Knead together flour, yeast, 30 g milk, egg, fat, salt and sugar. Cover the dough and let it rise for about 30 minutes. Cut leek into rings. Cut bacon into cubes, fry. Add leek, sauté. Fold in sour cream or crème fraiche, season with pepper. Roll out dough to a rectangle 30x35cm). Spread leek mixture evenly on it. Cut lengthwise into strips of 6 cm width. Roll up, place in a paper-lined cake springform pan (18 cm ø). Bake in hot oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Brush with fat. Serve with a cheese sauce.

Tip: How to make the yeast dough: The most important thing for the yeast dough to succeed: All ingredients must have the same heat. Therefore, Armin Rossmeier’s advice: take them out of the refrigerator 120 minutes before baking.

If you use fresh yeast instead of dry yeast: Melt the yeast in lukewarm milk with a pinch of sugar, stir it with a little flour to form a vapor, let it rise briefly and only then mix it with the other ingredients. The leeks will be much fluffier this way.

Our tip: Use bacon with a fine, smoky note!

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