Old Viennese Soup Pot

Rating: 3.637 / 5.00 (135 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



First, add boiling meat and spleen with cold water and bring to a boil. Season with peppercorns and salt and simmer with the lid slightly raised – depending on the size of the piece of beef – for 2 1/2 to 4 hours so that the soup only slightly billows.

According to an old housewife rule, there should be a barely perceptible bubbling every second.

About halfway through the cooking time, peel the onion, cut it apart in the middle, fry it in an old (Teflon) pan until as dark brown as possible at both intersections, and add it to the soup along with the leeks.

1 1/2 hours before the end of the cooking time, add the veal tongue and 1 hour before that the chicken to the still slightly simmering soup.

Trim soup vegetables well and add to soup about 40 minutes before end of cooking time.

For the last 20 minutes, also cook the bay leaf, cloves and lovage or chervil.

Remove the spices at the end of the cooking time, as well as the spleen, leek and onion.

Lift out the meat pieces and soup vegetables, bone and skin the meat and cut into bite-sized pieces, as well as the vegetables.

Strain soup through a fine hair strainer or cloth (etamine) and bring back to a boil with vermicelli.

Return the meat and vegetables to the soup, add more salt if necessary, and serve with finely chopped parsley as soon as the noodles are tender.

Preparation Tip:

If the soup does not clear properly, it must be clarified before serving. This can be done with the help of spleen, liver, minced meat or egg whites, but you can also put a few tablespoons of rice in a large tea bag, seal it and cook with the soup for about 20 minutes.

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