Orange Moravian Soup

Rating: 3.8182 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean, rinse and coarsely dice the carrots. Peel and chop the onion. Heat the light butter in a frying pan on 3 or automatic cooking zone 9-12 and steam the vegetables in it on 1 or automatic cooking zone 3-4 for about 8 minutes until soft. Add the chicken soup, bring to the boil briefly and simmer on 1 or automatic heat 3-4 for about 20 minutes.

In the meantime, rinse the orange with hot water, rub it dry and grate the peel with a julienne knife and set aside. Squeeze the orange and strain the juice through a sieve. Blend the carrots with the clear soup in a hand blender or with a mixer (chopping stick). Add the orange juice and finely season the soup with the spices.

Before serving, blend the orange and mane soup again well, pour in the orange strips and garnish with chervil and orange slices to taste.

As a festive Christmas menu – Orange and Moravian soup – Trout mousse

– Duck breast fillet with shallot-chanterelle sauce – Honey-saffron pears

Preparation Tip:

You can also add some grated ginger to your orange carrot soup!

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