Pears in Honey

Rating: 3.087 / 5.00 (23 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the pears in honey boil water with forest honey and the lemon juice in a large pot (7 liters) and put away covered. Mix 1 liter of water with vinegar in a large bowl.

Peel the pears, cut them in half, remove the cores and place the pear halves in the vinegar water. This prevents discoloration. When all the pear halves are ready, add them to the pot with the honey broth and cook until soft, about 5 – 7 minutes, until they can be easily pierced with a toothpick.

Then pour the pear pieces into 6 prepared jars of 1/2 quart each, packing them in nice and tight! Fill the jars with the broth, seal and cook the pears in honey according to instructions (30 minutes at 80 degrees).

Preparation Tip:

The honey gives a very interesting taste. The pears in honey can also be pickled with walnuts.

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