Peking Duck – Simple Style

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Total time: 1 hour



For this Peking duck, instead of preparing a whole duck, roast duck breast Peking style. For the Peking duck, carefully massage the duck breasts on the skin side to create a small cavity between the skin and the meat. (However, the skin should not completely separate from the meat.) Salt the duck breasts and season with five-spice powder. Mix honey with some lukewarm water and rub it on the skin side of the breasts. Set aside for several hours until the honey has dried up. (You can also speed up this process with the help of a hair dryer). Now place the duck breasts, skin side down, in hot peanut oil and fry so that the skin is crispy but the meat is still juicy. Meanwhile, turn repeatedly. But be careful: reduce the initially high heat after about 30 seconds so that the honey-coated skin does not turn black. Remove the duck breasts, peel off the crispy skin with the help of a sharp knife and cut into small strips. Cut the duck breast into narrow strips as well. Cut the cucumber as well as the spring onions into sticks. Then arrange the crispy duck skin and duck breast strips on a plate, serve with the cucumber and scallion strips, plum or hoisin sauce and the prepared Mandarin pancakes. To really enjoy the Peking duck at table, place one pancake on each plate, spread each with a coffee spoonful of plum or hoisin sauce, top with cucumber and spring onion strips and duck meat and some crispy skin and roll up the pancake. Best eaten right away with your fingers.

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