Perfect Spare Ribs

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Total time: 1 hour


For the marinade:


To grill perfect spare ribs, you don’t need to be a barbecue world champion. There are a few points to keep in mind and you’ll conjure up the perfect ribs off the grill.

Also pay attention to the quality of the meat for spareribsSpareribs are made from pork ribs. The lower parts of the pork ribs are most commonly used. A visit to the butcher is worthwhile, he prepares the spare ribs as desired. Thus, the thickness of the meat can be decided according to taste. Ask the butcher to remove the silver skin from the bone, which becomes hard during grilling and is often unpleasant to eat. This can also be done easily by yourself (cut the skin slightly and then pull it off with a strong jerk), but with a professional it is simply more convenient.

The right marinade for spareribsWhoever thinks something of his self-grilled spareribs should not buy ready-marinated cuts of meat. Making a spareribs marinade yourself is super easy and no effort at all. It’s not so much about counting tablespoons either – just mix it up to taste and whim. There are just a few basic rules to follow. Use oil, strained tomatoes, honey or maple syrup, some sugar (brown cane sugar is best), some heat (like chili powder or fresh chilies, Tabasco, etc.), soy sauce or Worcester sauce, and some acid to make the meat nice and crumbly (like apple juice, pineapple sauce, or orange juice). You can also use beer or even cola. Mix all ingredients well and massage the meat well with it and let it marinate for a few hours or even overnight.

Alternatively, you can also use a dry spice mixture (rub). Massage this in vigorously and also let it soak in for a few hours.

How to grill the spare ribs?For grill purists: only a charcoal grill is allowed – everything else is also possible, but not optimal. But we think: tastes are different and also on the gas grill or pre-baked in the oven or pre-cooked in the steamer spareribs can taste great!

When grilling spareribs, it is important to grill with indirect heat. This is perfectly possible with modern kettle grills. The food on the grill is not placed directly on the glowing coals but next to them or in the middle between the coals. With the lid closed, an even top and bottom heat is then created. Turning the meat is no longer necessary.

Perfect spare ribs need patienceIf you want your spare ribs to be tender and juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside, you need a little patience. You can actually eat them after a short time, but the real pleasure takes a little longer. Depending on the thickness of the meat, you should grill the ribs for at least an hour, or better 90 minutes, at an even heat of approx. 140-160°C.

Whether you want to grill the spareribs again in between with

Preparation Tip:

Don't forget to provide plenty of fresh towels or a water bowl with lemon juice and napkins. Because spareribs are eaten with the fingers - with cutlery the appeal of the pleasurable gnawing is totally lost!

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