Persian Love Rice

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Total time: 1 hour



For the Persian rice, cook rice according to instructions in a rice stove or in the oven as follows: Add basmati rice in a ratio of 1:1 (1 part rice, 1 part water), add a little salt and bring to a boil.

Then cover and let it stand in the oven at 150 °C for 25 minutes. Grate the red cabbage very finely, dice the onions, cut the tomatoes crosswise and fry them in a pan on both sides. Coarsely chop the parsley and serve the egg yolk in its own half shell in an egg cup. Arrange the rice on four plates, divide the butter into four pieces and place on top of the rice. Drape the grilled tomatoes on top. On a side plate, offer the red cabbage, onions and parsley to the guests.

Put the sumac in a small bowl on the table and now it’s time to mix it yourself. The beaten egg yolk is stirred into the rice with the butter and mixed with the onions, red cabbage and parsley as desired.

Enjoy Persian love rice together.

Preparation Tip:

Persian love rice tastes delicious with grilled lamb kebabs.

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