Pork Fisherman with Pepper Brittle

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


Pepper brittle:



Pepper brittle: Heat the butter in a frying pan, mold the powdered sugar into the center of the pan and let it melt without stirring. Fold in the pistachios and peppercorns and lightly caramelize everything together. Now spread the amount on a buttered aluminum foil and cool.

Leaf salad: mix the juice of one lemon, pear juice, oil, salt and pepper. Rinse and drain the spinach, clean the strawberries and cut them in half. Cut the pear into pieces without the core. Mix the spinach, strawberries and pear pieces and pour the vinaigrette over them. Slice the fillet and arrange on the leaf salad, sprinkle with the pepper brittle.

Tip: Did you know that one bowl of spinach already covers the entire daily requirement of vitamin K and beta-carotene?

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