Potato Soup with Spring Garlic

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Peel the potatoes and rinse again, then soften very much, drain and steam well. Then press the potatoes through a press and quickly fold in the cold butter. This must be done very quickly, otherwise the butter will not combine with the earth apple mixture and will settle. If this happens to you, it is not a tragedy, but the soup will not get such a nice consistency. Put the potato butter in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Boil the clear soup with whipped cream and gradually stir in the peanut-butter mixture.

Sauté washed leek cut into fine rings in a little bit of butter and cook briefly with a dash of clear soup, add. Season the soup with pepper, salt, nutmeg and a splash of white wine to taste.

Divide evenly into preheated plates and add a tablespoon of spring leeks.

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