Pumpkin Seed Risotto

Rating: 3.4444 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the pumpkin seed risotto, dry roast the pumpkin seeds in a pan without oil over medium heat for 5 to 6 minutes, turning several times in between. 1/3 of the pumpkin seeds aside, the remaining coarsely chop. Peel shallots and cut into strips.

Heat butter in a pot. Sauté rice and shallots and season with salt. Pour in half of the vegetable stock. Cook the rice over medium heat for 25-30 minutes until al dente or tender (depending on your preference). Gradually add the remaining vegetable stock and water, stirring occasionally.

For the salad, coarsely grate the Gruyère. Mix the mustard, oil and water to make a salad dressing. Wash endive, spin dry and cut into tender strips. Mix lettuce strips and grated cheese with the salad dressing.

Stir half of the pumpkin seed oil into the finished risotto. Arrange risotto in three layers on preheated plates. Sprinkle the chopped pumpkin seeds between the layers. The whole pumpkin seeds on the top layer sprinkle and drizzle with the remaining pumpkin seed oil.

Pumpkin seed risotto with the endive salt serevieren.

Preparation Tip:

Following the same principle as pumpkin seed risotto, you can also prepare a spelt risotto with spelt rice instead of risotto rice!

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