Pumpkin Soup with Baked Blunzen

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut the pumpkins in half, pit with a spoon. Pierce about 150 g of pumpkin flesh with the baller. Remove the peel from the pumpkins and roughly dice the remaining pumpkin flesh (about 350 g).

Dissolve the butter in the saucepan. Sauté shallots and garlic until translucent. Add the coarsely diced pumpkin meat and extinguish with white wine. Add chicken stock and whipped cream. Season the stock with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Cook the pumpkin balls in a sieve in the broth, remove after 10 to 15 min. Boil the broth quietly on low heat with the lid closed for about half an hour. Remove the pot from the stove. Make the pumpkin soup into a puree, pass it through a fine sieve, then add the crème fraîche and the whipped cream. Season the broth.

Cut the blunzen into not too thick slices and cut out the skin.

Finely grind the walnut kernels in a food processor and lightly coat the sausage slices in them.

Heat the clarified butter in a coated frying pan and fry the blunzen in it until golden brown. Offer the pumpkin balls in heated plates, pour the hot bouillon over them, put in the black pudding slices, sprinkle with chervil sprigs and then place on the table.

By the way, did you know that clarified butter is obtained by extracting water, milk protein and lactose from butter?

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