Rote Linsensuppe – Red Lentil Soup

Rating: 2.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A light, mildly spicy soup that works equally well as an entree for a meal.

1) Pour the lentils onto a baking sheet and strain them out, removing any stones or extraneous seeds. Place the lentils in a fine mesh strainer, rinse and drain.

2) Clean, rinse and chop the greens. Remove the skin from the onion and chop into small cubes.

3) Melt 30 g of butter in a saucepan and sauté the onion cubes until translucent. Add the greens and stew for 5 minutes. Add the drained lentils to the saucepan and deglaze with the beef broth. Cook the soup at medium heat for 30 minutes.

4) Strain the soup through a sieve. Pour in the milk. Bring the soup to a boil briefly, season with salt and season with pepper.

5) Melt the remaining butter in a small pan and stir in the paprika powder.

6) Divide the soup evenly into portions on deep plates and drizzle the paprika butter over it.

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