Sherry Consomme with Ham Crêpes

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Heat a large saucepan without fat, rinse and dab the onion and cut in half. Sauté in the saucepan with the cut side down. Add chopped greens and the bones, sauté briefly.

Pour in a good 2 liters of water, add the spices (except the sherry) and simmer on low heat for about 2.5 hours with the lid halfway on.

3. for the soup mix the flour, salt, egg and milk, add enough mineral water to make a very thin dough. Allow to swell for 1/2 hour.

4. in a small coated frying pan, bake 2 narrow crêpes until done and cool well.

5. spread 1/2 tbsp. crème fraîche on each crêpe and top each with 1 slice of ham. Roll up very tightly and set aside to cool.

6. Pass clear soup (consomme) through a sieve. Heat again, season with salt, sherry, pepper. Cut crêpes into slices, form 3-4 each in soup cups, pour hot clear soup over them and bring to table with chive rolls.

As a Christmas menu:

Entrée: Sherry consomme with ham crêpes.

Main course: Spicy roast goose with baked apple

Dessert: Lime tea jelly

* Source Das Haus issue 12/95

Tip: Stock up on high-quality spices – it pays off!

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