Soy Shrimp Salad with Feta Cheese

Rating: 2.7407 / 5.00 (27 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


For the salad:

For the dressing:

For the shrimp:


For the soy shrimp salad, first wash and dress the lettuce. Cut the peppers and feta cheese into pieces and mix with the salad.

Mix the marinade with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a little mustard, pepper and salt to taste.

Wash the shrimps and pat them dry with a paper towel. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the prawns briefly, adding a little salt and pepper if necessary.

Deglaze with the soy sauce. After deglazing, remove the shrimp from the pan. Now mix the salad with the marinade and place the shrimp on top.

Preparation Tip:

The soy shrimp salad can be varied individually according to your own taste.

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