Spicy Millet Loaf with Chive Sauce

Rating: 2.6667 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Chive Sauce:


Bring the soup to the boil in a saucepan. Add millet to the boiling soup, allow to swell for about 20 min, then cool. Peel and chop the onion. Cut smoked bacon into small cubes. Heat a little bit of olive oil in a frying pan, start by sautéing the onion, then the bacon, followed by the pressed garlic. Transfer the millet mixture into a suitable bowl, add the onion-bacon mixture.

Cut the cheese into small cubes and add them as well. Season millet mixture with salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Add eggs and mix well. Depending on the consistency of the mixture, add a little flour. Form small loaves and fry them in a little olive oil on both sides. Chop the chives and mix with all the ingredients for the sauce with a whisk until smooth. Serve the loafs with the chive sauce.

Our tip: Use a deliciously spicy bacon for a delicious touch!

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