Turkey Medallions Au Gratin on Pea-Mushroom Risotto

Rating: 3.9515 / 5.00 (103 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the risotto:


For the Turkey Medallions au gratin on Pea and Mushroom Risotto, cut the turkey breast into small medallions. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Let stand.

Pre-cook peas briefly in boiling salted water, strain. (Cut pea pods into bite-sized pieces).

Cut mushrooms into bite-sized pieces and sauté briefly in a little butter. Season and remove from heat.

In a saucepan, sauté rice in a little butter until translucent. Add soup or water, bring to a boil briefly, then turn heat down to a minimum. Put the lid on and cook until al dente, about 18 minutes, depending on the type of rice.

About 10 minutes before the end of cooking time, mix in peas as well as mushrooms with a dash of whipped cream. Season risotto with salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to maximum top heat. Quickly brown turkey medallions in hot fat (butter and oil) on all sides, but not all the way through. Remove from heat.

Now transfer risotto to a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with thyme or parsley, place seared medallions on top and sprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan.

If desired, place a few more flakes of butter on top and bake briefly over high top heat until the Parmesan is nicely browned.

Remove the turkey medallions au gratin on pea-mushroom risotto from the oven, arrange decoratively on preheated plates and serve.

Preparation Tip:

Carry the turkey medallions au gratin on pea and mushroom risotto with a crisp salad and a glass of wine.

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