Venison Stew with Dried Plums, Port Wine Plums and Potato Dumplings

Rating: 2.2 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Venison stew:

Port plums:

Potato dumplings:


Debone the shoulder of venison, remove the coarsest sinews and season with pepper. Cut into 2 cm pieces and roast with a little bit of clarified butter in a heated frying pan on the highest flame with bacon, onions and diced vegetables until brown all around. Add all the other ingredients and cook for at least 45 minutes.

Repeatedly extinguish with a little red wine. Using a fork, transfer the meat pieces to another saucepan, whisk the sauce and season.

Port wine plums: melt maizena (corn starch) in a little bit of port wine. Bring all ingredients together to a boil and thicken with the starch solution.

Potato dumplings (Klinks Wunderknoedel): Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and soften in salted water. Drain and steam while shaking. Repeatedly put the pot on the stove so that the potatoes do not cool down. Press the hot potatoes through the press, on the spot and quickly add eggs to the potatoes and knead in semolina.

Season with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Form balls and wrap in plastic wrap. Tie the ends with string. Cook for twenty minutes in boiling water. The dumplings will keep in the refrigerator for a few days, just reheat in boiling hot water.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – so you give this dish a special touch!

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