Walldorf Salad with Roasted Kassler Ripperl

Rating: 2.8571 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


For The Mayonnaise:


Remove the peel from the celery bulb and cut or grate into very fine strips. Sprinkle with the juice of one lemon. Also remove the skin from the apples and cut into thin strips – or grate coarsely – and also sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Cut the celery stalk into fine slices.

For the mayo, season egg yolks with mustard and salt. Slowly add the oil, stirring with a whisk to make a mayo[1]. Mix with whipped cream and yogurt and season heartily with pepper, salt, juice of one lemon and sugar. Mix with celeriac, apple and celery. Allow to marinate for about fifteen minutes and then season again (perhaps with a little walnut oil). Before serving, chop the walnuts and sprinkle on top.

Fry the Kassler Ripperl on both sides in a frying pan with clarified butter at not too high temperature and serve with the Waldorf salad.

[1] Or cook according to your preferred favorite method….

Tip: The higher the fat content in the yogurt, the more aromatic and creamy the result!

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